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The Science of Compassion: A Modern Approach for Cultivating Empathy, Love, and Connection - de Kelly McGonigal Ph.D. (Author)

Details The Science of Compassion: A Modern Approach for Cultivating Empathy, Love, and Connection

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Le Titre Du LivreThe Science of Compassion: A Modern Approach for Cultivating Empathy, Love, and Connection
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TraducteurRubie Eshani
Quantité de Pages959 Pages
La taille du fichier33.27 MB
LangueAnglais et Français
ÉditeurBeacon Publishing
Type de LivreePub PDF AMZ LOG ODT
AuteurKelly McGonigal Ph.D.
Nom de FichierThe-Science-of-Compassion-A-Modern-Approach-for-Cultivating-Empathy-Love-and-Connection.pdf

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11 Increasing selfcompassion The neuroendocrine enhancement of Self 12 Teach your children well Developmental neuroscience and empathy compassion and selfcompassion 13 Where caring for self and others lives in the brain and how it can be enhanced and diminished A summary of the neuroscience on empathy compassion and selfcompassion

The Greater Good Science Center UC Berkeley Berkeley 94720 Note de 48 sur la base de 232 avis «Todays topic is empathy Alot of people have